Article 76 - Law on Occupational safety and hygiene
1. Every year, the employer must formulate and carry out the plan for occupational safety and hygiene. If there is any additional work arising in the planned year, they must be added to the plan for occupational safety and hygiene.
2. The plan for occupational safety and hygiene must be concurred with the Executive board of internal trade union and according to following bases:
a) Risk assessment of occupational safety and hygiene at the workplace; control of dangerous or harmful factors and plans for emergency rescue;
b) Results of occupational safety and hygiene of the previous year;
c) Tasks and orientation of business plan and personnel of the planned year;
d) Requests of employees, the trade union and the Inspectorate.
3. The plan for occupational safety and hygiene shall contain:
a) Technical measures for occupational safety and fire safety;
a) Technical measures for occupational hygiene and prevention of harmful factors and improvement of working condition;
c) Provision of personal protective equipment for employees;
d) Healthcare for employees;
dd) Propagation and training in occupational safety and hygiene.
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